Friday, September 30, 2011

Oh Come On Now!

You know, there were a few things I thought everyone knew and agreed with. But I was wrong. I have been out of town on a business trip and encountered for two days straight…

Open toed shoes and pantyhose.

I mean really. Pantyhose are bad enough, but with open toed shoes. I thought we all knew better. But apparently in some parts of the state, the rules of modern clothing don’t apply.
I can understand the need for pantyhose from time to time. They cover any flaws or imperfections, they cover up your legs they may not have been shaved all that recently, and sometimes they even have paneling that make your clothes fit better and your posture straighter. The world loved Middleton Sisters are fans of pantyhose. I get it, I get it. Totally fine. But with open toed shoes!!?!? Not only do your toes look weirdly bound together, but the seam is obvious. And the point of pantyhose are to cover your imperfections in an invisible way. Thus showing the seam defeats the entire purpose!

I’ve said enough. I don’t need to insult your fashion intelligence anymore. You know that pantyhose and open toed shows are a terrible idea. It's clearly my not so secret dream that the last of the "seamshowers" will read this wee little entry and quit friggin' wearing this awful combo!

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