Tuesday, September 27, 2011

Have you tried...

Sorry about the lack of writing lately, yours truly has been hit by the worst kind of ailment imaginable – I’ve lost my voice! I literally can’t speak. Or couldn’t on Sunday and Monday. Today thankfully I’ve been able to squeak out some snark. My lost voice stemmed from a tiny sore throat last week and then completely over doing it ALL day on Saturday – because I wasn’t sick any more. Lies. All lie. I was sick, my sick was lingering below my glittery exterior. Which brings us to this week’s “Have you tried…” blog entry!

Have you tried Traditional Medicinal’s Throat Coat? I was introduced to this wonder tea last fall when I was juuuust starting to get sick. You steep it in hot water like regular tea and then drink. It’s a fairly easy process. The magic is what happens when you drink it. It soothes your throat with every drop – but what’s more, it tastes great! It isn’t nasty, bitter, or mediciny (you know what taste I’m talking about).  It has layers of flavors starting with a spicy cinnamon-like flavor and then ends on a peculiar sweet note. It almost chills your mouth.

For anyone who gets a sore throat or seems to lose their voice fairly easily (ah-hem), this is an AMAZING product. It actually comes in two flavors; the delicious original in white and red packaging – which I have found most at most grocery stores, organic markets, and big box stores; and the elusive Lemon Echinacea. I have only found the Lemon Echinacea at one store and I bought the last box – but it’s worth it if you find it. It gives a tangy zip, but is also incredibly refreshing.

Next time you feel any sort of throat issue coming on, or just want some delicious tea to drink… it’s worth a try!

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