Saturday, September 24, 2011

How To: Put on Fake Eyelashes

Do you ever have the desire to add a little umpf to your look for a special event or a night out? My favorite solution is to add fake eye lashes! And they are SO early. I promise! What you need, individual eye lashes (don’t get the full eye), eye lash glue, tweezers, and liquid liner (preferably black).  You can get these things at any drug store, walmart, or target. And if you’re lucky, you can get a starter pack that has all three things.  Once you’ve got your stuff, here’s how you do it. 

Step One: Prep – Open your packaging, unclamp your tweezers, and unscrew your glue. Curl your eye lashes and coat them with a layer or two of mascara.

Step Two: Take your non dominant hand and flex it away from you. You’ll notice between your thumb and pointer finger on the back of your hand, there is a little indention (about a half inch below the web on that hand). Take your eye lash glue and put a little in there. About the size of half a dime. 

Step Three: Take your tweezers with your dominant hand and pick up an eyelash. Depending on the length of lashes your have/purchased start with the largest ones on the outside of your eye and let them get smaller in the inside of your lashes.  Grasp in the middle of the lash and dip the end (where everything is attached) into the glue on your hand. 

Step Flour: Place the eye lash on top of yours actual eye lashes (long on the outside, medium in the middle, short on the inside). Try to get it as close to the root as possible, but don’t sweat it if they aren’t perfect. You’ll fix it in a minute.

Step Five: Repeat steps 3 & 4 until you feel you have enough lashes on. Truth: three lash clumps on each eye makes a huge difference, but if you want more (I always do), go for it!

Step Six: Take your liquid liner and slowly make a thin line (inside to out). This line will blend any eyelashes that didn’t get places close enough to the root. 

Step Seven: One more coat of mascara on top of the fake lashes, to give a more blended look (as if your new lashes could almost be yours)


It’s THAT easy. And the more you do it, the easier it is. And then you’ll find yourself putting them on for any occasion you can think of.

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