Sunday, October 2, 2011


Generally if something rhymes or is cutened up – ala “Matchy-Matchy” it’s generally meant for children. Seriously, think about it. Kids look so cute in solid colored cotton outfits. Adults tend to look a little dowdy or even crazy. Rather than having an overly planned look, aim for “it goes together”. 

As we’ve all seen, a younger generation of stylish ladies who don’t match their handbags to their shoes to their belts. Really, it goes further. If you are shopping and come across pants and a blouse that are on the same rack or attached, there is a good chance they are “matchy-matchy”. If you love both pieces and cannot live without them, then by all means, go for the purchase, but understand that the clothing probably shouldn’t be worn together. Find other pieces in your already existing wardrobe. No only will you not be “matchy-matchy”, but you’ll be thrilled with the way your wardrobe seems to multiply! 

Going together is what it’s all about.

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