Monday, September 19, 2011

You aren't invisible

I, like everyone else feel that I’m a fabulous driver.  The same way that everyone feels they are funny or never wrong.  I’m sure I’ll eventually get into driving etiquette, i.e.: how to be courteous to other drivers. But today, folks, we’re going to discuss what you do while you’re in your car. Why you ask? Well, two reasons really. 

1) People ride in your car, occasionally. 
2) People can see you when you’re in your car. 

I think by now we’ve all gotten used to having people in their cars. You understand how loudly you can play the music, if you choose to play it at all. As well as understand good topics to discuss and how to drive so that the other person might feel safe. Don’t follow too close. Don’t stop short. Don’t drive too fast or crazily. And most importantly don’t get road rage. I’ve ridden with people who would freak out while driving & get very aggressive – and I tell you what, there is nothing that makes you feel more unsafe. Eeek. We all know, you don’t leave your trash is someone else’s car for them to clean up after you and reversely, when driving you make sure your car is clean and comfortable for people to be in. 

Since we know all of that… Here is a friendly reminder. When you are in your car, people can see you. 
I know, I know. You know this – stick with me. Since we feel pretty anonymous (because we mostly are) and we have tinted windows (of some variance) we do things in our cars that we might not otherwise do, in public. Or semi public. 

I’ve seen people shave parts of themselves in their car. Brush their teeth, read while driving, eat with forks, draw on eyeliner (not going to lie, kind of impressed by that), paint fingernails… the list goes on and on. And that doesn’t even include conversations to the person in the back seat – while turning to look at them, mobile phone calls, singing (and dancing if you’re me).  People are nuts in their cars.

So, last week while driving, there was a man tailgating me. 

You’re shocked, I know.  It was annoying, but really I had to laugh. When we stopped at a stop light, I glanced up and got to enjoy the sight of this man chewing like a cow. It stuck me as so funny, these GIANT chews. I’m sure you could have heard him smacking his gums together. Suddenly all I could think of was this stupid guy, overly chewing his food or gum or whatever and aggressively driving, and chewing harder and faster each time he tries to pass someone or speeds up. I’m sure he had no idea that I could see him. Or that anyone would ever even notice him. But naturally it got me thinking, like always. We are noticed all the time, even when we don’t think we are. 

Which is awesome, because when I’m jamming out to music in my car justaleettletooloud, someone might notice. Then I start to crack up. So I look like the lunatic that not only is singing and dancing in their car but not laughing like a hyena. Loud, joyous cackles.  It’s so ridiculous. But something to keep in mind.

1 comment:

  1. There are just no words for how much I love this post. So glad you are BACK Nat!
