Saturday, September 10, 2011

At the Office

This may become an on going series, because it would be an entire novel to write what you should and shouldn’t do in an office. Even more, I work in a pretty formal institution that handles financials of individuals and companies, so I see a lot of people and hear a lot of stories.

Here are the top three things that drive me crazy... and happen fairly regularly.

1) When referred to as “The Girl…”
                Ex-freaking-cuse me. I am an adult. I have a college degree. I am not a child, nor am I an insolent, sullen teenager who is unable to do their job. I understand that I live in a town where the average age is 75, but just because I look young, does not mean that I am unable to do my job. Calling me "the girl who..." is so disrespectful.

2) When talked down to or yelled at
                Every day I deal with people who make serious errors, stupid mistakes, and lapses in judgment. I see the worst in people, because I deal with their livelihoods – and if something happens it can get ugly. When people feel out of control or insecure, they tend to lash out. It seems like those who get abused the most are those whose jobs aren’t valued as much or those who have to give answers what people don’t want to hear. My tip: try to be nice and understand that sometimes things are out of the control of the person you are dealing with. Also, just because they might seem to have a lowly job in your opinion, doesn't mean they can't pull a few strings and seriously ruin your day. I've seen more than one occasion in my years working of someone getting yelled at for no reason and for some reason funds being held, closings being delayed, and requests getting "lost". Be nice to everyone, you never know if someone is feeling vindictive. 

3) When leered at or asked to lunch.
                I get that I’m a female in my 20’s. I understand that I’m going to be looked at. But I don’t need someone doing that creepy chin lifted, squinty eyed leer. No thanks. Feel free to treat me like a human being, thanks. And I’m sorry, but what is with men in their early 60’s inviting me to lunch?  A) Do they realize they are older than my father and I’m totally skived out? B) Do they understand that I am paid to be nice to them? Please take me seriously enough to not treat me as though I am some silly young thing who is working just to find herself a sugar daddy.

I’ll leave you with a bit of an antidote.  There was an old dude that started making an almost daily point to come see me at work, with some asinine account issue. One day he says to me, “Is there a man in your life, because we might as well grab lunch sometime.” Apparently I’ve handled his account enough times that we might as well start dating and he’s my consolation prize. Is this what he’s thinking? I smiled and mentioned I’m not only dating someone, but I find it inappropriate to date clients. He doesn’t show his face in my office for about two weeks. When he does finally reappear, he ignores me and talks to another account manager. Next thing the old dude is doing a handstand in the middle of the lobby, staring at me (upside down, thanks) and talking about how it’s the healthiest thing you can do for your body everyday.

I would tell you more, but I’m mildly sure you’d think I was making it up, it’s all so ridiculous. 

Treat people the way you'd like to be treated. 

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