Tuesday, September 27, 2011

Clothing Issues

I’ve begun the process of writing this blog entry 10 different times about how I have nothing to wear, except I have too much stuff.  Then I continue on to say that I’ve gone up a size, so fit is an issue. But I’m an avid closet cleaner & I shop a lot. So my complaints are totally invalid. Then. Last night. It hit me. I need to have a better clothing ratio. Yes, clothing ratio. 

When you shop, often you find yourself thinking, what do I own that will go with this? And generally, if you have a multitude of options, it’s a winner. But as you know, you also buy things that are so perfect, you’ll find/buy stuff later that work with what you just got.
Apparently, I have gotten into this problem with pants. I keep buying them, because they are “a great deal”, “a basic”, or “the perfect plaid/check/pinstripe” and they seem ridiculous to not buy. But here are my issues; A) I use all the money I’ve allotted myself for that shopping trip on pants and only pants; B) I hate wearing pants! I much prefer dresses and skirts. 

So here is little ratio I’ve come up with, that I’m going to try for the next few months and see if this doesn’t fix my “I have nothing to wear”s.

For every bottom (skirt, pants, shorts, etc.) you must have x amount of tops. But what is X? Probably different for every person. Generally it seems 3 to 5 tops (including a layering piece or jacket) will do the trick. But then there are basic pieces like jeans or your favorite pencil skirt that seem to go with everything. Which is truthfully the goal of a good wardrobe. Most everything should feel like it goes with everything else.

Have you ever seen a month long clothing diagram? Certain fashion magazines show them periodically. They take say, 15 pieces (Two pairs of pants, two skirts, a dress, a blazer, a cardi, 3 or 4 tops, and accessories) and then they mix and match them into a month of outfits. I find them absolutely fascinating – they always show an interesting (if not sometimes desperate) mix of outfit choices. Matching different colors, textures, and accessories, while, let’s face it, belting everything!

Truth: I keep them all together in a box in my spare room, so that when I’m packing for a trip or planning an outfit for an important event and I have clothing block (like writers block), I always have something easy to turn to. 

All in all, tops are what I'm after, so that is what I'll find. Unless I find that perfect pair of pants, on sale... Just kidding!

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