Thursday, September 8, 2011

First Things First

Here’s the deal. I’m opinionated – like most people. And like most people I feel the need to share them with everyone. But instead of talking to people or “talking at” people, I find I prefer my writing. So, here we go!

A little about me: I am in my late twenties & live in an artsy beach town on the west coast of Florida. My family moved here when I was two, and thanks to two of my best friends who were born here, they have extended their generosity and dubbed me a “local”. I went to college at the Florida State University & had the time of my life. While there I picked up a mafia like group of girl friends dubbed the Breakfast Club, (because of our love of Sunday Brunches together, natch), but also a love of sharing my opinions semi-anonymously through the internet. Now, I’ve been back home for a few years & that ever present voice in my head that tells me to share my opinions is pretty much screaming at me.

A little about this blog: I’m starting with three main topics – which I’m always talking about and always focusing on: Fashion, Fare, and Form. Because my world has quite a focus on them. Whether it’s an epicurean adventure involving figs and goat cheese (yum!), a quick judgment about some fool – pregnant & smoking in front of the hospital (the final kick in the butt to start blogging), or this great pair of shoes the sommelier had at a champagne tasting last week (gold glitter, with 5 inch heels!) – You’ll get snippets or soap boxes on the things I notice (depending on my love or loathing). I’m a bit of a trivia fiend & I like to know the origin of how things get names and when they became part of popular society – so you’ll get that as well. Last, you’ll read about things that I love (monster stuffed animals) or have made a huge difference in my life (Moroccan hair oil).


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