Friday, September 9, 2011

Have you tried…

Sweet potato Kit-Kats?

I did for the first time on vacation a few weeks ago. I found myself in a Japanese import store (not really my style for clothing or home wares) but a colorful area of Japanese toys and candies caught my eye. I’ve tried a number a of Japanese sweets, including a majority of these. The one that stuck out – Sweet Potato Kit Kat.

I love Kit Kat bars. They are delicious and chocolaty and have the perfect amount to crunch. So I decided to be brave an try the scary mini candy bar. And I was absolutely delighted! Outside is white chocolate, while inside is a spiced flavor the reminded me of fall. Not only did it have the sweet potato flavor, but tasted like it has cinnamon, clove, and nutmeg. Wow. It was great. I should have got more.

On a side note: I was doing a bit of internet cruising and through “Hey! I should find an import store and get some of these delicious candies for fall!” Unfortunately, we had a bit of a fail moment. Sweet Potato has been discontinued! So now my epic search begins to find anyone who carries them. I must have this candy again!!!

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