Tuesday, September 20, 2011


I work in an office that does occasional customer lunches and we also have morning coffee for clients, as well as Friday treats (donuts, cookies, breakfast stuff… all depending on the week). We have people come in just for the free food. We’ve had a customer lunch where a foursome came in, and not one of them was a customer, nor did they have the desire to be. They essentially were working the downtown Friday food circuit. And can I tell you, when you bring in your own mug, drink the coffee while you’re inside and then get a refill before you leave – there is an issue. And this happens all the time. At a previous job, we used to have candy dishes at our desks. People would take handfuls.

A favorite instance was when I was working as support staff at an office near Tampa. They set out a huge tray of maple cookies (to welcome their Canadian clients back to town) within 45 minutes of being open, I saw a woman take the plate of cookies and dump them into her purse. Her husband then came to my desk & informed me that we were out of cookies.

Classy, yo.

So what is it about people that make them take more than their share. Or maybe they perceive their share is much bigger than I do. Is it really that hard to take one per person and leave some for everyone else?

I feel like I need to talk to the people at Sam’s and Publix on sample day and see if they mind people taking 3rd, 4th, and 5th helpings.

Initially, I assumed that is was depression area folks that we used to making the most out of something and making sure they had enough to feed themselves… but it really isn’t just them. It’s sort of everyone. Maybe it’s human instinct: you like something, you want more of it. If it’s available you take it. 
But it still annoys me. So I, as always, have rules.
- Take only one
- Touch only the one that you take.
- Do not touch more than one.
- Do not cough or sneeze or expel bodily fluids or excessive breath.
- If you are taking one for a companion or someone “back at the office” A) always ask and B) don’t make it a habit
- Once you have eaten, dispose of whatever serving method you were given. Do not just set it down anywhere. There will be a trash can. You should use it.
- Try your absolute hardest to not take the last of whatever it is, for the very reason, you don’t want to look greedy. (Jackie O insisted that John Jr. & Caroline NEVER take the last treat if they were at a friend’s house.) 

If you feel like you need more… buy what is being sold or go grab a bite to eat. Clearly you’re hungry. Hungry people will feel the need to take more than one (maybe even me on occasion). So, there you have it. And now we’ve both learned I’m also a closet germaphob. Take one & don’t touch mine. Thanks.

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