Thursday, September 8, 2011

Have you tried...

Olive oil ice cream?

No? Stick with me here…

Really good olive oil – like the $193 p/oz type (or even pretty decent extra virgin olive oil from the local grocery) has a really subtle fruity taste, with hints of flowers. (It reminds me of the way you can taste what’s in the soil of wine grapes.) Anyway, mix a really light sweet, fruit taste with cream and sugar... and to make it better, it’s then garnished with sea salt. So you’ve got sweet, salty, fruity, tangy, all in one bite.

I’ve been eating it for a few years now – and what can I say, it’s fantastic. Though, incredibly hard to find. If you’re in New York City – try Mario Batali’s restaurant on 5th Ave & 8Th St. That’s where my introduction way. But our local gelato place also carries it from time to time.  Yum!

1 comment:

  1. I have in Rome and it's fabulous. But I haven't tried Mario's gelatteria downtown so that will be on my list to check out before it's too cold! Thanks Miss Nat!
