Wednesday, October 5, 2011

The Secret To My Success... for good hair days.

I have average hair. Not thick, but not really thin. It's not straight, but it doesn't curl. It has a limp wave that looks at home on the head of a seven year-old who has just awoken from a nap. And not only that, it gets oily quickly and gets very frizzy from our Floridian Humidity. Like I said, it's average. I remember struggling for years to try to get my hair to not frizz or to just do something. Anything. Most days, a pony tail was my style of choice. And! It would go into a pony tail lumpy. It was disaster hair (as seen through the eyes of a teenage girl).

One day in college, my mother (who consequently does hair for a living) gave me a little bottle of oil to try on my hair to see if that would tame the frizz. Mind you, at this point I was using three different products for straight hair (straightening lotion, shine serum, and spray gel) and four products for curly hair (volume mousse, curl enhancer, shine serum, and super hold hairspray). While bottle in hand, she told me to use a dime size amount on my hair and don't use anything else and style it however I want. I couldn't understand why I needed to put oil on my already oily hair and how this goo, as good as it smelled, would do anything at all. But I tried it. And my hair dried really fast. I usually do makeup and pick out my clothes and then finally get to the painstaking task of drying. But by the time I got to the blow dry, my hair was pretty much dry and had soft waves in it. I was impressed. So the next day I used a little bit, but blew my hair dry immediately. I barely used my straightening iron, it was already straight. I was officially hooked. 

The more I used it, the more my hair behaved. And! It got shiny. Like glare from the sun shiny. Then, something amazing happened. I was in college at a house party in line for the bathroom and the girl next to me said, "You're the girl with the good hair! I see you around campus, what do you use?" So I told her the same thing I'm going to tell you...

Moroccanoil. One word. It comes in a brown glass bottle and smells like heaven. You can get it at almost any salon (or online, if you must). And I don't use anything else, except a tiny bit of hairspray since I'm growing out my beloved winter bangs. It's a little pricey, but if you look at the crazy amounts of products I WAS using (most from a salon) it is cheap. And let's be honest here, the amount of time and frustration that is saved, I would pay double.

Try it. You'll love it. Just keep in mind, less is more... when it comes to hair oil.

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