Tuesday, October 25, 2011


I was eating lunch a few weekends ago with some friends and some of my boyfriend's friends. When we were served our food, someone grabbed a piece of food off my plate. And it wasn't a french fry or chip - it was legitimate food that you would eat with a fork. Needless to say I freaked out. 

Here's how that conversation went:
- Food grabbed with fingers
- Shocked look on my face
- Food grabber asks: "Was that rude?"
- Group is suddenly very interested in their food, the table behind us, their phones, their drinks (you get the picture)
- I say: "All you had to do was ask."
- To which F.G. responds: "What if you had said no?"
- I say: "Well... I didn't." and give a smile.

We ate our meal, which was delicious, and I offered more - and F.G. didn't want more. But the question of, "what if you had said no?" has stuck with me since then. What if I had said no? Would we have had to deal with a temper tantrum? Would have had an awkward lunch with one person pouting?

Obviously, I can't control other's actions and feeling - but I can control mine. So here's the plan for the future. Less of a reaction, if someone takes something of mine. But I am still very glad I stood up for myself. As for my desire to take something off of someone's plate (I have been known to beg for a fry or two) - the important thing is to always ask. Never grab from someone's plate. Never take anything from anyone, that isn't yours.

1 comment:

  1. This is my BIGGEST pet peeve! Even if it's someone as close to me as my husband. Great post. :o)
