Wednesday, October 5, 2011

The Magic Word

You know, I was really hoping that I would get to cover new subjects of etiquette under "Form", but I have noticed in the past few weeks that the world around me needs a bit of a refresher course. Etiquette is used to make others around you feel more comfortable and at ease. It's not about rules, it's about people. I know we've all heard the story of Queen Victoria drinking from a fingerbowl, because one of her guests did. That, in my opinion, is the ultimate etiquette. So, we are going to start with basic etiquette and work our way up.

Today's lesson is all about the magic word. Words, really. Please and thank you. Say it with me now. Pleeeeeeease and thaaaaank you. Feels nice, doesn't it?

It drives me bonkers when someone asks me for something and doesn't say please. But, thenI figure they can finished up with a thank you, and all will be forgiven. But they don't.

Actual happening at my office today:

Person: "Can I borrow your stapler?" As they lean across my desk to grab it. 
Me: "Sure, no problem."
Person staples papers together and sits my stapler on my desk at the very edge, pretty much as far away from the original spot from where it was picked up. Then walks away.No please, no thank you, no returning the item where they found it. I don't mind people borrowing things, not even slightly, I just want someone to ask!

To combat this issue, I overly use "please" and "thank you". And I do it very sincerely, rather than my somethings apparent sarcastic bite. It seems to catch on pretty quickly. 

Trust me, you never know how much someone appreciated common courtesy - until you don't use it.

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