Friday, October 28, 2011

Quick Tip

Just a thought to share with you, my lovely reader... Don't salt your food until you've tried it. Believe me, I like salt as much as the next person (maybe even more) but lately I've seen people salting their food as soon as they receive it.

Stop! If you haven't tried the food yet, how do you know it isn't already salty? Psychic taste buds? I think not. And what's more! You might offend you chef! When I cook, I happily use tons of spices, herbs, garlic, etc. Salting it immediately would suggest you are using the salt to cover the flavors I so painstakingly put in your meal! (but you've read about the way I like to cook... so maybe painstaking isn't the most optimum word. heh.)

Regardless, think (and taste!) before you salt. You might not even need it.

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