Thursday, October 13, 2011

How To: Layer Bracelets

About a year ago I got to the point where I had too many bracelets I loved and I wouldn’t couldn’t choose which to one to wear. So I wore them all, and thus began my love of layering bracelets.  I get comments on them all the time, sometimes good and sometimes with a bit of an eye roll – “Do you have enough bracelets on?” The answer, my fashion challenged, snarky friend is, No. Never. I always want to add more bracelets. But I am a disciple of Coco Chanel and I try to remove at least one piece of jewelry, and in this case it’s generally an extra bracelet.

With most fashion concepts, the idea can be done for either night or day. And with this look the transition from day to night is so easy (Just add more bracelets!) The key to remember when stacking your arm is to have some nicer bracelets mixed with lower end bracelets. 

For Day Time:
I generally stick with metals and more delicate bracelets and always, always, always only on one side. (My left is my favored side, because I work on a computer for 9+ hours a day and no one, especially me, wants to hear bracelets whacking against a mouse for hours on end.) Back to it… I try to mix gold and silver as much as possible, though I am a huge fan of mixing turquoise and silver, as well.  I try to stack the bracelets in odd numbers, and generally the layer doesn’t go more than an inch thick. A favorite daytime mix includes a David Yurman (5mm cable buckle), pearls, a silver double stand loop bracelet with a large gold button clasp (from Banana), and a full gem stone with matte gold settings (from a street vendor in Manhattan).

For Night Time:
I use chunkier, larger, brighter bracelets. Dangling charms, wooden bangles, spikes, you name it – I’ve worn it. (Probably just this past weekend). Depending on what I have to layer, I’m happy to move to both wrists. On average, it will be about an inch to inch in a half thick on each wrist (mostly sparkling, shiny, and with more than a few gemstones). Though, my favorite for night time is piles of bracelets on one side that cover half my forearm. This can go two ways. Option number one: with a mix of all my favorite bracelets, (all the daytime bracelets, wooden prayer beads (Buddhist & Catholic), matte golden spikes, a golden charm bracelet with Parisian subway tokens, etc. Just whatever is in my cigar box that is pretending to be a jewelry box. Option number two: it’s a bit of a show stopper. I stack as many sets of tiny silver bracelets (all about 3mm) on my arm that will fit. It ends up looking like a giant silver cuff. These bracelets can be found at most street vendors or in stores like Forever 21 (my favorite for cheap jewelry) in packs of 6 or 8 for $3 or $4 a piece. A lot of fabulous look for not a lot of money!

The best thing, day or night, you can make it your own. Whether you add a watch (or two!) or use only charm bracelets – if you love it, wear it! Everything goes together, just throw them on and go!

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