Tuesday, October 4, 2011

Common Work Spaces

Today’s Topic: The Work Microwave.

Whomp whomp whommmmmp!

Okay, just kidding. It isn’t that bad, but it’s commonly used, so a little bit of etiquette is needed.
To begin: wait your turn. Don’t ever take someone’s item out of the microwave and make sure to wait on them if they are still cooking their food. Some food has to be turned while being cooked. Be conscientious and ask if the person before you is done with the microwave, if there is any question in your mind. 

When your food is done, take it out of the microwave. Not only could there be people waiting on you to use the microwave next, but most microwaves have a function on them, in which they continue to beep until they are opened. Some of them beep every 60 seconds until they get opened. Every 60 seconds. And it’s annoying. Really really REALLY annoying!

Sorry. Little moment there. 

Back to it. Once you are done using the microwave, please check it for any film, crumbs, or explosions. Clean them up if there are any. Actually, just take a napkin or paper towel and wipe out the microwave anyway. Because it’s polite. And no one likes a dirty microwave. 

Pretty easy, huh? I thought so.

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