Tuesday, November 22, 2011

What to Wear: Thanksgiving Long Weekend Edition

As we know, the beginning of the holiday season is around the corner... you didn't? Then you should probably start reading my blog more often! Sorry, before I so rudely interrupted myself, the holiday season is coming up. And I, like so many other America's will be traveling this weekend. Being from town that is generally warm year round, this weekend's impending trip will take me to a place where it actually gets cold!

As we know, preparing for a trip, the first plan of action is to check the weather. My trip looks like we're going to have highs in the low to mid 70s during the day, and the low 50s at night. Yes, you northerners - this is cold weather. Or really perfect weather!

Here's what the trip looks like - as always, with outfit plans

Wednesday night traveling: Obviously I'll wear something really comfortable, because, let's be honest here, I'll probably sleep most of the way. Non jean denim cut pants, a boyfriend t-shirt, a cardigan, fancy flats, scarf (duh!) and my obligatory giant travel bag.

Thursday: Thanksgiving. This might be my hardest day, we'll be outside for most of the day and with mid 70 degree weather it could get warm. But it will be a bit chilly in the mornings. I'm thinking corduroys, chocolate brown riding boots, a button down (can roll sleeves up or down), and a cable knit sweater. Add in a dash of pearls and maybe a headband for a bit of that Norman Rockwell, All-American feel we all so desperately strive for that seems appropriate on Thanksgiving. I'll pack a t-shirt in my bag for the day - just in case a quick change is needed.

Friday: Shopping? Probably/Hopefully not (Black Friday isn't my favorite - but that's another day and another blog entry) Should be spent running around town, visiting people. Followed by a bit of a reunion with my boyfriends' friends. For the day, my plan is a plaid flannel day dress and a pair of boots - possibly the ones from the day before, but more than likely a pair of bone colored knee highs (because it's terrible for your feet to wear the same shoes two days in a row). Then I'll change into either a dress with black tights and a pair of black booties or jeans and a fancy-ish winter top. Not entirely sure, just yet.

Saturday: Should be spent mostly at a game watching party, so anything supporting my school, Florida State University, will be appropriate. Garnet top & gold earrings maybe? This will be the warmest day of my trip up north, so maybe another dress will do the trick. That night will be the game, so I'll wear jeans and a garnet top and watch my team play their best.

Sunday: Looks like rain. All day. Which makes this the coldest day of my trip. We generally will do brunch and then head back home, so I'll need something decently nice, but also snuggly for a rainy day as well as a long car ride. I'm thinking jeans or corduroys, my fancy flats, a cute plaid shirt and a cardigan - maybe in a bright color, to counteract the gray sky. Do I need to mention a scarf and giant purse?

Okay, looks like I'm almost packed - in my mind at least. Time to hit the closet friends! Have a great Thanksgiving, good luck on your shopping, and Go Seminoles!

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