Thursday, November 17, 2011

Early-ish Morning Tip

Ladies and gentleman, it's time for another addition of our favorite game show, "What's in My Eye!"

Riiiiiight. But in mild seriousness, sans morning cheesy humor - did you know if you've got something in you eye, and can't get it out, all you have to do is blink? Seriously. Just blink rapidly, 5 or 6 times and it will active your tear duct and wash you annoyance out of you eye. Way easier than trying to fish it out (though I love seeing your crazy face in public restrooms) and it also saves your corneas from getting scratched the hell up! Three cheers for sight!

Just a little tip I learned in 7th grade wood shop I thought I should pass along. Yes, I took wood shop in 7th grade... but that's not what we're discussing right now, so leave it!

Have a great day!!!

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