Monday, November 7, 2011


As some of you may remember, I posted about how I can't find a nail salon that I like and how I'll happily find a great bottle of nail polish and paint my nails myself.

Well, my friends, I finally found a salon that I love! And here's why!

1) Great color choices - I wasn't overwhelemed by the amount of choices, they had a medium size collection of all the best colors - and no weird extras (There don't need to be 32 shades of blue. I promise. Not that many want smurf fingers.)

2) They gave me the classic up-sell (for a aromatherapy pedicure) but weren't pushy when I said "No, Thank you."

3) I was given good directions of when to go to the manicure table, rather than try to figure out where my nail person went and then grab my bag and try to waddle in their direction...

4) Once my hands were massaged and my nails were cleaned up, before my polish - I was given the choice to pay then. BEFORE my polish went on. So there wasn't that terrible moment of trying to grab my cash or a card and worry that I'm screwing up my nails.

5) My absolute favorite part: As I was sitting under the fans and heated light dryer thingy, I was given a massage. Holy crap. It was AMAZING!!!!

Great job on the nails, on the massages (calves, feet, arms, hands, neck and shoulders - with extra attention to the balls of my feet, because she noticed I enjoyed it), and the best part, they gave me a punch card! 10 services at this salon, and I get a FREE manicure. And as we know, I'm a sucker for free! So great!

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