Saturday, November 26, 2011

Have You Tried... Spin Pins?

As you might remember a few days ago, I did a post on easy up dos (for holidays and otherwise) and I rambled on and on about the goody spin pin. And as many of you know, when I find something that is life changing, I'm not afraid to tell anyone (even people in public bathrooms) about how amazing my find is. In my not so humble opinion, I think the spin pin is one of the best inventions to come out of the 2000's thus far. Literally, my list goes:
1) iPod
2) iPhone
3) Spin Pin

Let me tell you about these genius little guys I won't leave home without. They are about the size of my pinky, maybe smaller and go in a spiral design. They come in (a far as I know) three colors, blonde, light brown, and dark brown to blend with your hair. Here is where it gets good: a spin pin is supposed to have the same amount of hold as 20, yes 20 bobby pins. (Maybe that's why bobbies never do a good enough job, since you've got to use more than 20). And, did you know the best way to use bobby pins are to crisscross them? Let me say, if you crisscross your spin pins, your hair won't be going anywhere.

And really, what more could you want in an up do?

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