Saturday, November 5, 2011

Vinegar vs. Honey. An epic debate.

As they say, you catch more flies with honey than vinegar. Not sure who "they" are or why you want to catch flies...

But seriously, it's true. Things always seem to work out better when you're nicer. People are friendly and willing to give and share more, and with a happier disposition, I'll bet you at too. Have you ever notice that on the proverbial bad day, you're pissed off and everyone seems to be making to worse? Psst - I bet you're adding to the issue. Juuuuust a little bit. I know I sure do.

Here's my plan: next time I'm having a bad day, I'm going to stop, adjust my attitude and start with a happy thought. I'll think of a few things that make me happy or are going well, then I'm going to say something nice to someone, dammit! I think we can both guess what's going to happen.

And anyway, isn't the point of etiquette to make others around you more comfortable. I'm pretty sure changing your grumpy disposition would fall under that category, huh?

Okay, so maybe I'm "they" or... "them".

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