Wednesday, November 16, 2011

What to Wear: Holiday Edition

With the holidays coming up, it means one thing! No, not eating until you burst (okay, it might)... it means holiday parties! And as we know these parties are an integral part of the season - there is mingling with coworkers, visiting family, visiting your significant others family, meeting new people, looking awesome in case you run into a crush, and looking even more awesome if you run into an ex.

No pressure people!

Okay, here's an easy guide on what to wear during your festive shindigs:

Thanksgiving: Most gatherings are fairly casual, but it is an important day of reflection, giving, and sharing - so don't be afraid to dress up a bit
     - Men: Jeans and a button down are a great option. Don't be afraid to try denim cut pants that aren't jeans - khaki, pinstripe, moleskin are great options
     - Women: Jeans and a fancy tops are great. If things are more casual, a turtleneck with a statement necklace is perfect. Stick with flats.

Work Holiday Party: Whether you hand out with your coworkers regularly or it's going to be super awkward to see everyone out of business casual, these are pretty easy. Stick with your office dress code, but make it a bit nicer. Feel free to wear the same thing straight from work...
     - M: Jeans or work pants with a nicer top - unless you wear a suit. Then just take off the jacket.
     - W: Tweed pants, pencil skirt - still dressy for work (you want to stay withing the work dress code) but add a little something to add some holiday spirit. Fancy earrings or quickly pull your hair down from your more formal look.

Holiday Party with Family: You always want to dress up a little with Grandma and family you haven't seen. Especially for those of us who are unmarried - the constant "why aren't you married?" it never hurts to reinforce that, "even though I'm not married, doesn't mean that I can't take care of myself." For those of you who are married, you're lucky to not get the married question - but I'm sure you get the "when are you having kids?" which is a whole different animal. And a whole different blog entry.
     - M: Nice pants, button down, loafers, and maybe a blazer or man cardigan. If it's a little hot, roll up your sleeves.
     - W: Dress, black tights, and any piece of family jewelry that was passed down to you or recently given to you.

Holiday Dinner Party: These are generally with pretty good friends, so you can judge what kind of party it's going to be, from the host (and don't forget to offer to bring a dish!!!!)
      - M: Jeans, button down, tie or cardigan. Something nice, casual, but has a bit of "dressy" mixed in.
      - W: Dress and chunky sweater, ideally belted. Consider an sloppy bun or loose up do - undone dressy.

Inevitable Hometown High School Reunion: As we all know, these happen every time you head back to your home town and get together with friends. Chances are someone called someone called someone and everyone is meeting up together. 
     - M: Go for jeans and a polo or denim cut non denim and a henley or plaid button down. Funky tennis shoes - essentially you're going for a pretty young look but cool look (since you'll be at a bar anyway)
     - W: Wear heels. Trust me. As we know, your legs always look better in heels - and besides, You'll want to keep an eye on everyone and every inch you can get, is worth it.  Heeled boots - even better! My style preference involves skinny jeans and drapey top exposing skin or some sort of well fitting sweater dress. It says, "yes it's winter, but I look awesome!"

Big Holiday Party: There are always tons of these every year. Some have themes (ugly Christmas sweaters) and some don't. There will be food, drinks, mingling, music, and quite possibly a white elephant. If you want to be the person in a crazy Santa outfit or the guy who shows up with his dick in a box - by all means, be my guest. I believe it's all part of holiday cheer. Just uh... don't take your present off or sit on ANY of my furniture. For those of you who are a little tamer...
     - M: Dress pants, button down, blazer or cardigan and tie. Don't be afraid to mix textures or wear chunky cozy sweaters. It will make people who have had some eggnog (or anyone who finds you cute) draw to you and want to touch you.
     - W: Time to get out that party dress you've been saving all year round. Red. Awesome. Your favorite black "go to hell" dress - I'm all for it! A fancy skirt and chic top with amazing shoes is a great option too. Go for an up do. I have a few failproof options that I'll tell you about in a few days.

New Years: Let's be honest, my hands down FAVORITE event to dress for, because you can be overdressed, and you really aren't! Sequins, feathers, jeweled adornments, etc. The fancier the better. And unless specified by the host, go for it!
     - M: Dark pants, dressy button down, tie, and maybe a leather jacket for outdoor activities.
     - W: Let's be honest, you bought this dress months ago. It's dark, it's got crazy cool details, draping, leather, studs, feathers, full sequins... I really can't express it enough. As long as you feel like a million bucks in to, it's your New Year's Dress.
For the season, avoid Christmas sweaters unless instructed too. Watch out for anything too kitschy, like Christmas bells or anything with too much of a holiday motif. It can be extremely aging. And will make you look like a cat lady.  Don't be afraid to dress up a little more than usual, everyone else will be too or you'll just look that much better than everyone else! Mostly, have fun, add flair, and celebrate!

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