Wednesday, November 9, 2011

Holiday Feeding Time

With the holidays coming up, we'll be faced with the inevitable buffet. As someone who enjoys eating and doing things efficiently these can be either my greatest joy or a huge, frustrating mess. Let's be honest, everyone grab a plate and grab some food. You do it right, don't linger too long, everyone gets to try everything and eat at relatively the same time. You do it wrong and someone is waiting and waiting and waiting... there isn't enough food, people can't eat together, and someone's food is inevitably cold. Boo!

Here are a few things to keep in mind when dealing with holiday smorgasbords:

- Take one helping, and only one. After all, it is a buffet, so you can always go back for more.
- If you are waiting behind a slow picker, look at the dish and plan what you'll take, so as to not take more time.
- Don't be pushy if someone is slow in front of you. Wait you turn & enjoy the company of those around you... Or just ask if you can skip ahead of them (they'll either say yes or speed right up)
- Don't be afraid to let someone elderly or who needs assistance go in front of you. They may slow down the line, but you can always help hold their plate and serve them. And I promise, they'll be entertaining and give you some delicious tips.
- If you find someone getting a little aggressive behind you, feel free to invite them to jump ahead of you.
- Remember, buffets aren't always about food - company is pretty important. Lots of holiday flirting can happen over Swedish meatballs and giant bowls of salad.
- As a believer of the "never take the last" policy, my only exception is during a buffet. And only if you're the very last in line. At that point, if your final serving is the last, take the last.

The key to getting your chow on buffet style, my friends, is decisiveness. Figure out what you want and go for it. Chat with everyone, don't be greedy, and enjoy your meal is festive merriment!

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