Sunday, November 13, 2011

The Giggle Of Desperation

A few weeks ago, a few girlfriends and I were at an event that didn't have a clear dress code, but a definite theme. Some dressed in full theme (my friends and me, obv), while others were much more casual. Naturally, the overly done people are wondering why no one else wanted to be ridiculous too - but you can see from their stares that they are wondering why you didn't take your meds that afternoon. Awesome. After our obligatory hour and a half, we hastely headed towards a favorite downtown spot for drinks and to find a place for the group to discuss the awkward night - rather than continue to give the crazy wide-eyed "did you just see that?!" or the famous "get me the eff out of here!"
One of the girls brought a date, who mentioned a term that has been a topic of discussion for weeks and weeks: the giggle of desperation. You know what I'm talking about - that weird, high pitched, sometimes mechanical giggle that you get when you get when you are uncomfortable with your current situation. When someone is bringing up an odd topic or you really need to just need to get out of the situation you're in.

There are a few easy things to do to remedy the situation if you or someone you're with make the giggle of desperation. The key is to identify the issue.

- Awkward Personal Moment. If you're at a party, pop over to the food table to pick up something delicious and a new conversation. Or look for another person you know and join the conversation. It's mingling. Out of desperation. If you're at a bar with friends, make a bathroom trip or go to bar to grab another drink. Chances are, by the time you're back, whatever is making things weird will have corrected itself.
- Weird Topic. Change the subject. Feel free. I'm betting more than one person will be happy you did.
- I Need To Read More Moment. When there is something being discussed which you aren't well versed in, if you can learn something and the topic interests you, stay, ask questions, learn something. If the topic is offensive or something you are completely uninterested in, excuse yourself from the conversation or wait patiently until the subject changes. It's more than okay to not be the person leading the conversation.
- Group Clinger. Sometimes there is one person who is making everything weird. And they aren't with you. They won't get the hint to leave you alone - that's when the WHOLE group will agree on an unspoken move, whether moving outside to the patio or to a different floor or to a whole different location.
- Irritating/Ridiculous Person. Sometimes, there is one person, amongst your group who is making things weird. And everyone is really into them - or maybe they really aren't. There are a options here too. You can fake sick or tired or remember an early appointment and get the eff out of dodge. No shame in running from the weird. But, if you're looking to deal either your issues, sometimes just trading places with someone in a group chat circle and fix the awkward. You can change the subject or wait out the awkward to see if it subsides. If that doesn't work, feel free to make conversation with one or two other people.

Keep these in mind, and the giggle of desperation will likely occur a lot less. And be sure to keep an ear out if you're with someone who makes it - because there are few things better than a friend who can get you out of an awkward situation.

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