Monday, November 7, 2011

An Unfortunate Tale...

I was getting gas this evening, and I saw a woman wearing the most unfortunate pants. No, I take that back, let's start over. I was getting gas this evening and I couldn't help but stare at this massively wide bottom sticking out of car door. As this desperately unaware woman entranced me with her massively large backside, I couldn't help but think to myself, "what terrible jeans!" "Why do stores sell things like that, at least they are dark wash." "Oh God! Look at her stand, that crotch is insane!" (hahaha Michael Kors on Project Runway) "ohmigawd! they are navy blue scrubs."

So, let's discuss scrubs. I don't work in the medical field, but I have clients who do. And I, as always, have a lot of opinions on this (like every other) subject.

1) Scrubs are meant for comfort. At your job. As a surgeon. So do me and everyone else a favor and only wear them at work. There are lockers for a reason.

2) You're not a surgeon/doctor/nurse? Don't wear scrubs. I don't care how comfy they feel, you shouldn't wear them out running errands. If you do own them (which is frankly, a little odd) don't wear them outside of your home.

3) Scrubs are unflattering. For women: they are always too long, they are cut to make you butt look huge, they are are too snug around the waist, and give you uniboob. If you're a guy, they make your legs look short, and the top cuts off as an awkward angle that points directly to the fact that you aren't wearing anything under your pants and are flopping around.

But really, it's your call on wearing scrubs outside of the workplace (the only appropriate time to wear them) or outside your home. Just keep in mind, when you're bending over to get something out of your car, someone will be staring at your gigantic looking butt.

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