Thursday, December 22, 2011

Squeaky Shoes

As a shoe girl, the topic of my friends’ footwear (as well as my own) quiet obviously comes up from time to time. The most recent topic of discussion, was not, however the lastest shoe designer. Nor a recent procurement. Not even a scandalous review of the orthopedic shoes seen at a local young networking function. No, the topic on the tip of every ladies’ tongues have been squeaky shoes.

It’s always a well worn, favorite pair – and it’s only one shoe. Just one little squeaker that announces to the room (or your whole office) that you’ve arrived, albeit in style – but not really the entrance every girl dreams of.

As I see it, there are three things to do with this air of shoes.

1)      Ditch them. Consign, donate, trash – whatever you’d like. If they make you angry or resentful (yes, you can be resentful of shoes. Try paying $200 + for a pair only to have them squeak. Resentful) then it’s best to move on and have a nice, clean break.
2)      Fix them. By now, you should all know that I love my local cobbler. I seek out cobblers in other towns, if I’m visiting. These skilled crafters can fix an uncomfortable pair of shoes in a matter of minutes for just a few dollars. If they can do that, they surely can fix a squeak (the instep probably just needs to be glued completely back down)
3)      Deal with it. If you are lazy, passive aggressive, or easy going and your one shoe squeaking doesn’t bother you, don’t do anything. It doesn’t bother most of the public either (besides that one jerk in your office building who is annoyed by every noise, including the glug of the water cooler – but he can’t be helped).

Coming from someone who has chosen each of the three aforementioned choices on multiple occasions, with multiple pairs of shoes – anyone you choose will be just fine. I promise. Now, let’s get back to discussing those new bone colored peep toes you just bought…

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