Thursday, December 15, 2011

Cranberries: Winter's Garnish

I love this time of year. Not just for people's cheer and mildly improved attitudes - but for the change in decorations. (I even try to dress in season!) This evenings blog is brought to you by the tangy, ruby colored nuggets that are cranberries. 

These versatile little guys are perfect for so many things this season! Here are my top three uses for cranberries.

1) Make sauce!
Cranberry sauce makes everything delicious (and feel so festive). All you'll need it a bag of cranberries and white sugar - over medium high on your stove. They will cook down perfectly and you can add them on top of almost anything (like Baked Brie!)

2) Decorate!
Add cranberries to the base of a candle, on the side of a platter, in a cluster with a flower arrangement... You get the idea. Cranberries add a touch of color to any decorating you're doing this season.

3) Chill!
My absolute favorite use for cranberries in the winter, is in drinks. They don't even have to be cocktails (though they might as well be!) All you do is take a bag of cranberries, throw them in the freezer, and when the time comes, place them in a drink rather than ice cubes. Your drink won't get watered down, it will just look festive and have a tangy hint of delicious in it!

The best part, cranberries are buy one get one free at Publix this week! So get some and make your holidays festive (with no too much effort!)

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