Monday, December 5, 2011

Minon Cupcakes!

Have you seen the movie Despicable Me? It came out in the summer of 2010 and I have been in love with it ever since. Not the heart warming message (I mean yeah, it's nice, whatever), I love the little yellow, sometimes evil doing, overall wearing minons. They don't even speak English... or really at all. They just squeak and babble at each other. They are so cute and funny they make it difficult for me to function.

Now, you may or may not know - quite possibly my favorite thing on the planet is the cupcake. They are the most perfect, hand held little bits of delicious cake. They are usually so cute on top with some sort of decoration. Love, love, LOVE cupcakes! They are perfect for any occation and always taste delicious!

As luck would have it, I have a lovely friend who understands my deep, deep love of both minions and cupcakes and gave me the grand idea of combining the two.

Here's what you'll need: cake mix (any type you like), cupcake pans, cupcake liners (I use blue or silver foil), frosting (white or dyed yellow are probably best - but I also stand by using whatever tastes good with what cake you made), two tubes of black gel icing, smarties, chocolate sprinkles, and twinkies. 

Step one: Bake your cupcakes, let them cool (at least 1 hour, if not longer), and lightly frost the top (using about 2/3 to 3/4 of the can).
Step two: Unwrap your twinkies and lay them out on a flat surface. 
Step three: Take white smarties and your leftover frosting, lightly slather the back, and stick them (in sets of two or just one) onto the front top of the twinkie.
Step four: Take your black gel icing and draw around the smarties to make goggles, then around the "head" of the twinkie. Next make a little smile, grimace, whatever for your minion and dot inside the smartie for eyes.
Step five: Take the chocolate sprinkles and stick them into the top of the "head" of the minion twinkie.
Step six: Slice the twinkie in half, thus making two minions. Don't be afraid to make them uneven, after all, minions come in all shapes and sizes.
Step seven: Slather a bit more frosting to the bottom of the cut in half twinkie and stick them to your cupcakes. 
Step eight: Eat and enjoy!

I promise these little guys will be a hit at the party and you'll be so proud you made them! Just trust me on this one :) And watch the movie if you haven't seen it!!!

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