Thursday, December 8, 2011

Quiet Space

Have you ever been in a quiet space and someone comes in? A bit of an interruption, but not the end of the world. You acknowledge each other then you go back to what you were doing and they either join you being quiet or get what they need and move along. Usually. But every once-in-a-while, someone comes in and screws that all up.

I understand if you're at work and you need something from someone, you'll need to interrupt them. Or you're at home and your roommate/boyfriend/child/husband/dog interrupts. Make perfect sense, and it's no big deal. But what about someone who comes in, interrupts you, and then continues to do so? So irritating.

Here's an example: I like to read in a quiet office, outside on a bench, or depending on the time, the break room during my lunch. It relaxes me, it gets me away from the stress at work, and I can usually finish a book every week, week and a half. I understand if a coworker needs a question answered. Or say, I've got some paperwork at my desk a client needs. By all means, come get it. Come get me. I'm happy to help. I'm paid to help. Done and done. But what if someone comes where I am, sits near me and then starts talking on their mobile phone? What if they read the newspaper out loud to themselves? What if they start humming? Oh my freaking God, the humming. It's worse than whistling. Not only do I not know what tune you are trying to reproduce, but now I am forced to listen to you AND try to identify what you are humming.

So annoying right?

Another example: You're at home trying to watch an episode from your favorite TV show from three weeks ago on your DVR. Your phone keeps ringing, your roommate keeps talking to you about their upcoming date, and all you want to do is get in your 22 minutes of light-hearted laughs.

There are a number of things to do, and depending on your assessment of the situation, one of these will work. Keep in mind, if you are in a room with someone else, just the two of you, it is rude to read or ignore them. Consequently, if you are in a room with someone trying to read, it's rude to talk to them. Tricky, huh?
- If someone is reading, feel free to greet them, but don't try to have a conversation, unless you are in dyer need of something from them.
- If you want to read, exchange pleasantries, and either ask if they mind if you read or feel free to find a different location.
- If you are watching TV, either pause it (if you can) or ask the person who is speaking to wait a moment.
- If you need someone's attention that is watching TV, wait until there is a commercial or if it's urgent ask them to pause.
- If someone takes a phone call, feel free to ask them to quiet down a little.
- If you have to take an important phone call, leave the room you are in. Find your own space. No one should have to ask you to be quiet or move somewhere... your mother should have taught you better.
- If someone is texting with the sound on, feel free to tell them to turn their phone on mute.
- If you are texting, your sound should be off. It is possibly the most annoying noise on the planet to everyone who is not you. Be aware.

As always, be aware of your surroundings, including the people in them. Be courteous to those around you, and they will be to you. Lead by example. And if they aren't, that's fine too, you know how to handle the situation!

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