Saturday, February 2, 2013

Tiers of Friendship

So, who watches The Mindy Project? I happily fall into that category. But like every other show, I get into it and then watch it for a few weeks and then don't go near it for another month (I get distracted). But this past week Ms. Kaling brought up an interesting point:

Best Friend is not a person, it's a tier.

Acquaintances, Friends, Good Friends, Best Friends... Or maybe if you are a little bit younger/cooler than me it's like Randos, Your Posse, Homeslices, Best Bitches. (I don't know, kids these days...)

Okay, okay, hold on. If you are someone who has only one best friend and you have been best friends since you were five and you've never had another best friend, let me just say, you are incredibly lucky (or possibly delusional). Seriously though, if you are one of those rare few, that's really fantastic. The rest of us... not so much.

I think from time to time we have all felt the pressure that we need to have one best friend. It's like this golden status of superiority... that, frankly, I think is bullshit. 

Realistically, through out your life, you've probably moved when you were a kid or in high school, probably went away to college (or if you didn't go too far, I'm guessing a majority of your high school friends moved away), and then moved after college (and maybe a few times after that). This isn't even taking into account hobbies you've found along the way, significant others, maybe you got married, or even have a kid or two. I'm guessing, unless you hate people you probably made friends during these phases. Moreover, I'm going to assume that a few people became the proverbial "cream of the crop".

There is rarely just one that stands out above the rest. And that's because there are so many people with incredible qualities that bring so much to your life. That's really the best part. I may not be one of those girls with a BEST FRIEND, but I have a group of best friends who make my life better everyday. Best friends are like cookies. It's always a good idea to have more than one.

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