Tuesday, May 1, 2012

Don't Be That Guy... On a Plane

Thanks to the past long weekend, my travel bug was indulged - sort of. I, at least, got to fly around the country and spread my asinine musings and disdainful glances. (Though I promise, I'm super fun to travel with - you may have guessed, I'm a little judgy).

Here are a few things I've been reminded of while traveling this weekend that I now feel obliged to share with you.

- Leave your big items (shoes, bags, accessories) at home. You'll inevitably buy something and then you won't. have room to pack at the end of the trip.
- I don't care if the weather calls for 9000 degrees or negative 45 degrees. Always pack at least one t-shirt, one light jacket of your choosing, and a pair of flip flops. You'll thank me later.
- If you're going with a group, plan ahead of time if someone is bring a blow dryer, straightener, or curling iron. No need to pack multiples.

At The Airport:
- Wear comfy clothes for the plane, if you can. I understand that sometimes we have to wear specific outfits one planes or something special for the second you get off the plane, but comfortable is always better.
- Please don't take comfort too far. I don't recommend wearing your pajamas or juicy sweatsuit (please. Tell me you don't own one) on a plane. You look silly.
- If you can, wear slip on shoes (and socks!?) for going through security.
- When riding an escalator or people mover, stand to the right, unless otherwise noted. There are people who have places to be - so stand to the side. Their lives will be easier if they don't have to dodge you. And you have the chance of not getting your toes run over.

On The Plane:
- Don't take up more than your space.
- If you smoke, try to grab some gym or wear an outfit that doesn't stink. It's a small enclosed space, please remember that.
- Bring some form of entertainment, it is not the responsibility of the person next to you to entertain you.
- If the person sitting next to you is reading to listening to headphones quit bugging them. Please. I beg you.
- If you get cold easily (like me!) try to bring a jacket or cardi with you on the plane.

When traveling, you'll find me in jeans (or denim cut non jeans) loafers or flats, a comfy top, and always my trusty scarf (you never know when you're going to need to cuddle with your blankie or cover your nose from a foul smell).

Good luck and bon voyage, my friends!!!

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