Tuesday, May 8, 2012


For anyone that knows me, they know I drink a lot of water. All the time. And there is a reason for it: I feel better when I do.

When I was little, I wasn't a fan of overly sugary or tart juices (which eliminates ALL of them), my mother wouldn't let me have caffeine (shocking, right?) and my parents found out I was slightly allergic to milk (based on all my other allergies, it's not very shocking), so I got to drink a lot of water.

Well, I very quickly came to love the pure, cooling taste of a glass of water. I don't care if it's room temperature, chilled in the fridge, or even a little warm from the sun. I feel amazing after I drink it.

Funny enough, I actually notice the benefits of my excessive water drinking when I don't drink enough. I get a headache, my skin feels tight, my lips feel chapped and I feel bloated. Those symptoms are all pretty high on the horrific scale for me, so, I drink water.

If you drink as much water as I do, I implore you to get reusable glass/cup/container. If you're being good to yourself, you should also be good to the environment.

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