Saturday, May 12, 2012

Khaki vs. Berry

My platonic life partner posed this question to me a few days ago while shopping for an impending trip. Obviously, I knew Nattily Natalie would have to chime in. I love to help other people shop and am floored every time someone bothers to ask my opinion I try to give the most truthful opinion I can, focusing on all the good points (though I am not afraid to point out the not so flattering as justification for you to burn something. Pryo much? Yeah, apparently so.)

Though, the more I considered the arguments for berry vs. khaki, it became clear this was much larger than what color coat she should choose. It's time for a discussion about classic vs. trend.

9 times out of 10, I will opt for the classic. I have tons of LBDs, white oxfords, gray cardis, a trench, and more plain black heels that I can to admit. There are few things I dislike more that buying a new article of clothing, and not having any basics to go with it. And basics are classic. You will always look awesome running around on weekends in your favorite jeans, a white t-shirt, a trench, and loafers.

The problem with classics, they can be dated. Collars change. Hem lines change. Fit changes. You may have had the perfect suit 10 years ago, and you thought you'd wear it forever... I bet it's not the first thing you grab, is it? Realistically, what do you own from more than five years ago that still fits? And that you LIKE how it fits? For me, I weight about 10 lbs less and loved shirts that were slightly midriff bearing. So anything from then doesn't fit... And if it did, I wouldn't like the fit of the item.

If you don't participate in some trends (a nod to animal print here, a pair of colorful flats there) your wardrobe would be the kind of bland that mayonnaise rolls its' eyes at. But what happens if you overly participate in trends? 1) you'll look like a fashion victim 2) you'll look cheap and 3) you could fall into the dreaded trend time warp (I'm talking to you with the big ass hair and blue eye shadow - also to your daughter with the overly straightened hair and bedazzled t-shirt)

Trend can turn into classic. Otherwise how would we gain classics? But be wary of falling to either side. Too bland or too much, no thanks. A nod to the trend, a nod to the classic, all blended with your personal style. My advice to her (after mentioning that her pets would willingly destroy a majority of her clothes), go for the pop of color. Wear classics with it. And then, when the time comes to retire said coat, know you wore the hell out if it.

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