Thursday, May 17, 2012

Rainy Season

The weather here in Florida FINALLY broke and our summer rains have begun (did the storms wake anyone else up last night?) With that in mind and being a planner by nature, here are a few handy tips to make sure your day doesn't get screwed up my the rain. 

- Buy a rain coat. I'm someone who usually has my hands full, so when it rains, I don't always have time to carry an umbrella (Also, my manfriend is about a foot taller than me - which makes it hard to share an umbrella) So I bring my rain coat. I prefer a classic trench coat, it instantly adds a certain chicness to any outfit. Stay try to your style. If you have a tougher style, get a moto cut jacket. If you live in colder climates, it would be wise to get a convertible rain coat with a warm insert. Whatever you do, make sure it repels rain.
- Bring your umbrella!! I keep one in my car and one on the door handle going out to my garage. That way, I know I've always got one easily accessible to me... and see when right before i leave. So I never forget it. If you live in a place without a garage, consider a chic umbrella holder (with an umbrella in it) or placing your umbrella near where you keep your bag. 
- I carry a foldable bag with me, for instances that I need a bag at the farmer's market or if I'm on a trip and end up coming home with more than I came with. This bag, I have learned is also waterproof.  I was coming home last night with some important stuff in my purse and was going to have to make a made dash through the rain. Thankfully I had my foldable tote, threw my purse in it, and nothing got wet. 
- Rain boots!!! Hunters are classic (ah hem, Hunter Green... where did you think it came from?). But keep in mind there are tons of colors and styles, so get what fits your style and personality.  I have a pair of black riding boot cut (knee high with an angled top) that go with everything and get worn all the time. 
- Keep a little microfiber towel in the glove box of your car. It's so helpful when you were rained on and you need to get the rain off of you fast. 

With these tips, you can quickly get yourself out of a bind and stay dry. Prepare yourself now, and you won't have to worry about it later.

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