Wednesday, June 25, 2014

Back in the habit?

Yeah... It's been a while. I'm aware. First, let me just throw a little sorry out there, since I've kept you hanging for like, oh, two years. I realize your life don't revolve around my antidotes (and nor should it), but enough of my friends and family have comments about it - I figured it's time to practice that whole "follow through" thing. Needless to say, I took a break to live a little life. I have a suspicion you, my might enjoy a few of my adventures and exploits. 

1) I got a cat. The interwebs clearly needs more cats.
This is Lewis "The Bug" Van Der Kitty. He, like all cats, it entirely too smart for his own good. He also runs my home, like cats are wont to do. And yes... He lets me pet that GIANT, fluffy, spotted tummy. He's apparently also a zombie cat. 

2) Many, if not all of you know, I tried my hand at online dating (my little beach town is a little too small to meet a nice fellow), and met a terribly nice Viking. He may or may not have a Viking helmet. 

3) The Viking came with a dog. So... I now have a dog too. Dogs, in regard to my prior notions, are really pretty great. 

4) said Viking and I got hitched a few months back. 
To those considering it, it's pretty great. I recommend it. With the right person, it's just lovely. 

5) I have made a point to bake weekly (take that, follow through!)

6) I have MASTERED soft cheese making. Friends, if you are a cheese eater... Get excited.

Get ready for an interesting ride, because we're going to hop back on. Now with Instagramming (follow me @nattilynatalie) my antics as well as the sporadic tweet (again @nattilynatalie) here and there. Let's have some fun - more importantly, let's embrace life and ALL it has to offer.

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