Friday, March 16, 2012

Well... Excuse You!

Last night, I was out with my usual group of food loving, cheese adoring, trouble making lady friends. For the dinner portion of our evening, we went to a great local restaurant that turns into the local cougar bar on some nights. It's great for people watching, the food is moan worthy, and champagne is $2 (hey ladies' night!) After we finished our meal, we made the inevitable transition to the house music thumping dance floor. This is where the trouble began.

As we sipped out drinks and wiggled to the music, people kept bumping into us. It was not crowded. We had a decent amount of space and people would dance into us or (my favorite) walk in between us. Obviously we realized we were more in the way than not, but every time someone walked in between out conversation or bumped into someone, nary a "excuse me", nor "pardon me" was given.

When did common niceties go away? I'm not okay with this. Truthfully, of I was between someone at the grocery store, I say excuse me. Because it's rude to be in someone's way - when they are talking to someone, looking at or for something, or just generally being in their own personal space.

Next time, take a moment and think to yourself, if it would bother you - it probably bothers someone else. So say excuse me. It covers a whole manner of sins and suddenly your politeness simmers down someone who otherwise might have been ready to snap.

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