Thursday, March 8, 2012

Age Approproate, Part 2: Baby Prostitutes

Okay, I'll admit it, I don't totally get kids these days. 

And yes, I realize that statement alone makes me "out of touch" and roughly about 8,000 years old. But fine, whatever. That's just how it's going to be.

Over the weekend, I was at an event with a few girlfriends and we couldn't help but stare at a poor, misguided child wearing a Barbie pink Herve Leger style bondage dress.  With patent leather white platforms. She was... maybe, MAYBE 14. Did I forget to mention the frosted light pink. I guess I did. From reading by now, I'm sure you know the bigger the "O", the bigger the hoe. It was painful. And I promise I wasn't being a giant bully, nor was I the only one who was shocked. It was the WHOLE crowd. 

Then... I saw her mother. And I understand why she was dressed the way she was. Her mother was severely inappropriate, especially for a daytime, kid friendly event.

As I've said before, the way you look is the first thing people see, something they remember, and the thing they immediately judge you on. Regardless of if their opinion is correct, it happens. As your child's parent/mentor/guardian/protector/common sense, make sure they are giving off the right appearance, as well. 

It makes me wonder, when did it become okay for children to dress overly sexy? I mean, I realize that it happens all the time - just go to any shopping mall in America, or heck, any high school, or middle school for that matter. There will be things that shock and appall all of us. 

Here's my take on the whole thing: My children will look like children. Not mini hookers. They will not wear overly suggestive clothing, too baggy pants, lewd t-shirts, or giant hooker heels. Even if it seems like too big of a fight. But I also don't want them to look like the Brady Bunch or in odd, formal clothing. There are few things that make me more uncomfortable than a little boy at a wedding in shorts, a peter pan collar, and leather buckled t-straps at a wedding. Too formal. Too old fashioned. No thanks. 

Maybe it's because I'm not yet a parent - maybe I have the idea wrong. Though I'm fairly certain this is a battle I won't bend on. Let's make a pact right here, friends. Let's let our kids be kids. Let's allow them to express themselves with tutus, Mohawks, colorful band-aids, and t-shirts that say things like "I do all my own stunts!" I would much rather have the tween child wearing a Justin Beiber t-shirt, than a skin tight leopard print party dress. Wouldn't you? Normal children (regardless of however lame their current teen idol may be) are way better than baby prostitutes.

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