Thursday, March 22, 2012

Quite Possibly The Most Annoying Word On The Planet


Ugh. It makes me dry heave just a little.

Déclassé means something that has a "fallen or reduced status". But when said with a pretentious accent (you know what I'm talking about!) it's about three million times worse. I may or may not have been watching an episode of Housewives from Godonlyknowswhere (how is this show STILL on TV? Props to Bravo for not giving up) and the women kept saying something was so "Déclassé". The issue was, only one of them actually said it with the correct accent... the rest of the women kept saying "it's SO de-clASSy". With the most bizarre nasally accent. Sorry ladies, but none of you are in the dirty Jerz, nor are you from there. You sound like trash.

Friends, let's put the proverbial kibosh on this word so it doesn't turn into a verbal epidemic amongst the Lady Cougars in our little town.

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