Saturday, February 4, 2012

Valentine's Day: Single Edition

It seems only fair to dedicate a little attention to those who are single during Valentine's Day. What's great about this year, since Valentine's Day is on a Tuesday, you won't actually have to be inundated with date nights and those who are coupled, romping around.

Fun activities to consider:
- Friends dinner. As trite as it may be, get your loved ones together, coupled or not (everyone is invited!) and make dinner together. You never know if someone might want some company that night; if they are single, don't want to hang out with their roommate, or even their partner isn't able to celebrate with them - a group will be easy to come by.
- Go out. Local restaurants, pubs, and bars always have "singles" events around Valentine's Day. They are always fun and exciting.
- Go on a date with your best friend. Who better to spend the day with? Carrie and Miranda did it... even if theirs didn't end well. But you aren't keeping giant secrets from each other, so that's a moot point.
- Spend some time with you. Rent your favorite movie, treat yourself to your favorite take out, light some candles, and relax. Phone off and out of sight, with you computer tucked in an office or a different room. Spend the evening indulging and doing exactly what you want to do. 
- Say yes to that person who has asked you out, over and over again. You weren't really considering them... but maybe it's worth it. Really, what do you have to lose?

Also consider, dating websites (the good ones you have to pay for) generaly tend to give discounts around this time of year. You never know, it could be a great time to cherry pick your next partner. 

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