Saturday, February 11, 2012

Hangover Cures

Whether it's from a long night with one too many drinks, cheap liquor, or just one glass of wine - hangovers happen.

Here are a few things to keep on hand to make your mornings easier (because if you're like me, you won't be indulging in hair of the dog.)

- Advil or aspirin. Pounding headaches are no ones friends.
- Lots of water. I'm sure you're dehydrated. So drink up!
- Protein. I've been told it helps give your body the nourishment it needs, after the abuse it just took. I'm not a big protein person (no red meat, no nuts, thanks!) so I can't attest to this. But if it works, it works!
- Comfort Carbs. A bagel, some French bread, maybe a croissant or two. Yum. Settle your stomach (and soak up alcohol) with delicious carbs.
- Garlic Based Supplements. Before or after... Don't ask me why, but they help.
- Caffeine. Gives your body a bit of a jolt and the energy to get up off the couch and get your day going.

Funny enough, when I googled hangover cures to see if there was a weird blend to try (2 eggs, hot sauce, a newts eye, and butterscotch syrup - I just made that up. Please don't try it!!!

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