Friday, February 10, 2012

My Earrings Are in the Fridge and Other Glorious Late Night Activites

Sometimes you go out, head home, and go to bed. Then, there is that night where you get a little wild. You have some cocktails, you're the life of the party, and the night ends with someone shoving you in a cab.

But what happens when you get home? Definitely not bed.

Magic. That's what happens, magic, my friends.

You eat everything you can get your hands on, you watch TV a little too loud, you dance like a buffoon, your clothes land in odd smoky piles around your house, and if you're like me, you take excessively long showers and then go to bed with super wet hair - then wake up in the morning with a soggy pillow and a very odd hairstyle.

That's all fine and dandy... Of you're 22. But you get to a certain age, and people, it's time to get it together.

No, I don't mean that you should stop going out and coming home to eat and dance. Never! But you can always hold it together to make the next morning slightly easier.

We're going to take a quick look at actions and remedies:

-You become a human vacuum, inhaling anything and everything that is in your fridge and cupboard. Have you noticed you eat things are already made? Leftovers, cold pizza, chips, cookies - there is not a lot of prep when it comes to late night eating. So, make yourself some healthier options and make them readily available. Cut up broccoli, have mixed nuts out (if you eat them), whole grain crackers, and fruit. You'll find, if it's there to eat, and you want something - you'll go for it. 
- You are suddenly deaf but ready to continue the party. Truth, I'm not sure there is a cure for this, but I have a few ideas, of course. Hide the remote, leave the speakers on a loudish setting (so they seem loud enough), or my personal favorite from a friend's place in college, a "shhhh!" sticker (made from a mail label) stuck to the remote. 
- The next morning, all of your stuff has mysteriously disappeared. Place a laundry basket in a conspicuous place before you leave to go out. That way, when you get home, you'll consider putting everything in it. Leave your purse in one area... it's normal spot (if you're the type to train yourself to do so). Try to have charges in a few rooms, so you consider sticking your phone on one of them, rather than in your shoe or under a table.
- Your smoky clothes are making everything upholstered stink! You know what I'm talking about, ugh! You sit on your couch and it smells like smoke for a week, no matter how much Febreze you use. This would be a good time to consider the conspicuous laundry basket as well, after a very sudsy shower. Wash that stuff off!!!
- You are really enjoying the warm weather and you singing sounds awesome! Post going out showers are a thing of beauty. Wash off the smoke, sweat, and stench of humanity. Okay. Maybe not that intense, but you know what I mean. Either way, a great thing to do if you are taking too long of showers is to set a timer. Keep an egg timer in your medicine cabinet and have it available for easy setting when you hop in to rinse off. The timer dings, you're done, everyone is happy. 
- Your pillow looks like a MAC employee. We don't always remember to wash our faces... though we should. Set your facewash and a towel out, before you go. That way, when you walk by it, you'll see it and wash your face!
- Your face looks like a prune when you wake, because you went to sleep with super wet hair. Let your hair sit for a few minutes in the towel... then use a different dry towel and put it over your pillow. Your towel will absorb a majority of the moisture and your face won't be cold and pruney. 

Next time you have a wild and crazy night, keep these ideas in mind for an easier morning... and don't forget to call me!

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