Saturday, January 14, 2012

Mascara Application

I have long eyelashes. I realize I'm very lucky to have these, but from years of wearing make up and an overly practiced hand - here's what I've learned. 

- Without mascara, my eye lashes are blonde on the end and are pretty extraordinary. With mascara, I've actually had people ask if my eyelashes are fake.
- Black mascara, always. ALWAYS. It's so important! My eyelashes, just like my hair, gets lighter in the sun. Black mascara makes your eyelashes pop.
- If you are naturally blonde, or not so naturally blonde, black mascara may seem harsh. It's not. You'll probably have on eyeliner and some shadow, as well - so it actually won't be so harsh. (Though if you're going to fight me, wear dark brown. But don't think I won't notice. Or suggest black as we check our lip gloss in the bathroom mirror).
- Clear mascara is a joke. It's supposed to magnify. It doesn't. Don't waste your money.
- DO NOT PUMP YOUR MASCARA. I'm not even going to go in the the reasons why. You should know better. And if you don't. Shame on you. Your mascara deserves better treatment.
- The most important step of application: at the root, wiggle your wand a little. This will separate the lashes, and make them look fuller. 
- To apply your mascara take the wand and from the root swipe up. A few times. And maybe just once over the top too. For your bottom set, just once will do the trick.
- Waterproof is awesome. Just check it out to make sure it really is waterproof, before your time of need (rain, sad movie, etc.) Raccoon eyes are something I've had many times in my life. I wouldn't wish that on any of my friends or lovely readers (maybe on my enemies...)
- Don't keep your mascara more than 6 to 9 months. Why you ask? Because this wand touches your eyes, which have been out in the elements and then goes back into the tube. Where the rest of the mascara is. To swirl together and then go back on your eye for later use. Eww. That could make anyone a germaphobe.

Go forth and mascara!

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