Thursday, January 19, 2012


Tonight, our topic of discussion has to do with blinkers. You know, that little stick on the left of your steering wheel that gives you the ability to flash this little light, which in turn, signals to let other drivers know where you are driving your car? That's called a blinker in case you weren't sure. 

As my lovely readers, I'm sure you all signal regularly to make sure those around you don't pummel their car into yours, as well as to keep your passengers safe. But for those who have come to my little town from up north, a lesson in blinkers is due! 

- When you change lanes, signal.
- When you are easing into a turn lane, signal.
- When you are turning onto a different street, signal.
- When you turn onto your street, sans turn lane, signal. 

If you ever move your vehicle from the lane it is in, regardless of what you do - use your blinker. It will keep you, those in your car, and those around you safe.

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