Tuesday, June 5, 2012

Lady Laws

Bro code, man cards... I get it. Be good to your fellow man, etc etc. I think it's high time we discuss the rules of being a girlfriend. They say men are competitive with sports... Women are competitive with EVERYTHING else. Who has the cutest shoes, who is dating the best guy, whose job is better, who gave to what charity. The list goes on and on. Some are material things and some are internal, all are judged.

Here's the thing, you can get so wrapped up in it, it can make your head spin or you can just refuse the game. I'm a proponent for doing what makes you happy. If you love your three year old shoes, wear them. If you want to give 5% of your salary to planned parenthood, I'm pleased to know you. Any way you look at it, girls need to stick together - especially you good girlfriends.

Here, by no means complete, are some of the most important Lady Laws.

In regards to style, you must:
- Notice different hair styles/colors.
- Compliment something if you legitimately like it.
- Tell someone if she has spinach in her teeth.
- Not copy everything a girlfriend wears, even if you love her style.
- Tell your girlfriend if an event/party you are going to has a specific dress code.
- Be honest when shopping together.
- Loan hair elastics and bobby pins if you have them to spare.

In regards to life decisions, you must:
- Not judge if called for a ride to or from somewhere.
- Keep your mouth shut if you don't like someone's significant other, unless asked.
- Open your mouth immediately if you think someone is making the wrong life long decision.
- Not "kill the messenger" if a girlfriend is honest with you.
- Be supportive in every way you can.

In regards to relationships, you must:
- Not disappear when you date a new person.
- Be accepting of the friend that disappeared when dating someone new.
- Make an effort to involve single and coupled friends.
- Understand that sometimes relationship/family activities have to take precedent. 
In regards to heartache, you must:
- Be supportive through heartache - involving, but not limited to, ice cream, wine, and lots of chocolate.
- Understand that sometimes a 2am phone call needs to happen.
- Tell your girlfriend when her self pity has started to effect her other relationships.
- Tell her when you ran into an Ex.

In regards to ex partners, you must:
- Tell her when you ran into an Ex.
- You must curse Ex's name if she needs to hear it.
- Under no circumstances, have relations of a sexual nature with an Ex, unless it was an insignificant relationship, a number of years (5 +), AND you have gained honest approval. And understand other girlfriends still reserve the right to place judgement. Basically, don't do it. 

It basically comes down to being a good person to one another... and going to the bathroom together in groups. Obviously.

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