Monday, June 11, 2012

High School Is Over.

A few weeks ago, while ignoring my DVR and trolling the interwebz (you know you do it too) I stumbled across a picture of a bunch of women, in what looked to be a glamor shot of sorts. The caption read "my friends are prettier than your friends".


Okay, I will admit, your friends are all extremely pretty and the picture taken was lovely. I could only hope to take a picture near that nice (but alas, photogenic was not one of the traits I was awarded when they were being handed out.)

The caption is what got me. First, if you want to convey the message that your friends are beautiful, say that. There is no need to make someone feel bad to make yourself feel better. Second, however proud you are of your friends and how they may look, a little humility will win you a lot more points in the long run. Third, I'm fairly certain life isn't one big popularity contest, showing accolades in your yearbook. If that's what it's about, I suggest you take a wee moment for self reflection.

Your friends should be thought of as beautiful because of the people they are (Granted the more you know someone, the more good you see in them, the more beautiful they become to you). Kind, giving, caring, selfless... The kind of beauty that shines through even the darkest of days.

When you have appreciation for your life and can see the true beauty, you don't have to brag about how "pretty" your friends are, what a great car you have, how much money you make, etc. Your insecurity is showing, and it's not winning gaining you any points.

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