Tuesday, April 17, 2012

I Don't Usually Smell Like Fish

This phrase was uttered to me the other day. With a completely straight face and completely earnest.

"I don't usually smell like fish."

But really, to make matters worse, is wasn't just a fish smell. There was a bit of salty body odor, as well.

Clearly, my new friend had been spending the day fishing and had yet to make it home to bathe. I realize sometimes you are in a rush to go places and people have busy lives, but honestly, if you know you smell that bad, take a shower before you go out in public.

You can smell yourself. You understand what body odor smells like... if you have been doing something strenuous, you've been working with something odoriferous, or it's been a little bit of time, shower. Please, I beg of you.

Bathe and you won't have to awkwardly say to someone "I don't usually smell like fish."

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