Tuesday, January 10, 2012

Renting Dresses

Spring is approaching, and I don't know about you, but for me, that means wedding season! I got this particular idea from one of my very favorite people. She has fabulous style, and frankly was half of my wardrobe in college. After a bit of Facebook stalking, I noticed that she had the most fabulous dresses. I wanted them! I needed them! So I asked where she got them... And low and behold, she rents them! Really???

I've heard of clothing rental sites, but never put any stock in them. But the more I thought about it, the more I realized, we only wear our formal/fancy dresses once or twice (you can only be photographed wearing the same dress so many times) and they cost way more money than even the nicest jeans - which are expensive, but worn to death so the cost to wear ratio drops. So, why not rent?

Renttheyrunway.com is the site that way recommended - but after a quick search online, there are dozens on rental sites! Depending on what you want to rent - that should help you choose your online service. I've seen designer handbags, jewelry, dresses, jeans, scarves, etc. Almost anything you want, from a litany of designers - all available to rent!

Done and done!

1 comment:

  1. Great call. I've been doing this for years. Back in DC, we had a formal event about once a week, so it was necessary; my budget doesn't allow for buying two frocks/week and the ultimate faux pas would be to have your photo snapped in the same dress--on different nights--and placed in one of the social magazines. This is also a great way to try out new designers so you can pick up their goods on sale.
