If you're anything like me, and I suspect you are - you have a job. At this sometimes delightful place where you work, you probably work with other people, right? For those of you who are stay at home parents or work from home luckies, this doesn't really apply to you, but I suggest reading on. You never know when you'll find something entertaining or helpful (and I'm aiming for both!)
I work for an awesome company, in an absolutely beautiful office. With that being said, it is a small office of just a handful of people. We see each other for hours on end with, at times, minimal outside interaction. Since we here at NattilyNatalie discuss fashion, fare, and FORM - let's go over a few handy tips to make your work life a little less frustrating... and maybe a little more fun!
Work Selfies Happen |
Starting You Day
- Have you noticed some people park in the same spot everyday? Don't take their spot. Some people are very particular. There is always plenty of parking (or even company or city assigned spots). Keep those in mind.
- Some people are morning people. Some people are not. Some people need a lot of coffee to function. Those of us who are morning people (Oh, oh! Meeee!) sometimes need to make a little effort to keep our water cooler chatter to a minimum, until your usual work companion is ready for pleasantries.
- Did you fight traffic on your way in? Me too. Everyday. Glad to hear a little about it, but there is little need to discuss bad traffic every morning adnasum.
- Having a bad morning? Fight with your significant other? Hungover? Leave it at the door. If you can't, give a quick "hey guys, I'm going to have a bit of a quiet morning." Your coworkers will understand.
- Altenatively, if you have a normally chatty coworker who is acting a little odd, a quick "Everything okay?" Is more than okay. But please make sure to give them space if they need it. They may not want to share details with you.
- If you're grabbing coffee, donuts, danishes, whatever for breakfast of a snack - don't be a jerk. Ask if anyone else wants something.
- Hey guess what? You are at work to work... So I actually recommend doing that for the majority of the time your are in your office, if not the whole time. Coworker interaction is inevitable. Feel free to be friendly or brief - it's about your comfort level. You definitely want to be pleasant, but don't be afraid to end a conversation.
- It's really normal and natural to have a little crush on a client or coworker. DO NOT ACT ON IT. Seriously. It's the best way to ruin your career.
- If someone (be it coworker or client) is making you uncomfortable, say something to them. Or your manager. Or their manager. Key point: tell someone.
- Are you the one in control of the music at your office? Lucky you. May I advise, play it softly. No one wants to have to yell over your uns-ing house music, nor do the want to have to try to think around it. Keep it PG, keep it quietish, and please don't play the same 5 songs over and over again.
- If you are sneakily watching videos, don't try to make everyone else watch them. Especially if they are inappropriate. Even if you don't find them inappropriate.
- Don't whistle or sing along to the music. Zero people want to hear it. Zero.
- Try to keep your bodily activities (post lunch brushing and flossing, nose blowing, etc.) in the restroom. Seriously. Kinda gross. Yes, we all do it. But eugh.
- Can I second that recommendation of brushing and/or flossing post snack/lunch/whatever? Especially if you had a fragrant curry or a giant bowl of hummus (I'm certainly guilty of eating both). Regardless of the space you are working in, you probably have another human who has to come near your work space, and people have sensitive noses. You get my gist.
- Don't mess with the air conditioning. If you are cold and everyone is cold, fix it. But if someone is complaining about being hot and you are freezing, go ahead and bring a sweater or jacket into the office. I recommend a light wool blend. ... I live in Florida. The coldest it gets here is in August - because everyone's A/C is set to 64 degrees.
- Keep your eyes on your own work. Unless someone invites you to look or asks you how to do something, consider it Noneya. (As my lovely friend M says, it's Noneya Business).
- If you're going to be on your phone, try to be subtle. No one wants to see their employee blatantly off task. Use the restroom, like everyone else.
End of The Day
- We're all in a rush to get home. It doesn't hurt to chip in and be a team player. But, if someone says no, don't pressure them into letting you help. They might be working on a confidential project or want the extra time at the office.
- If you office is going for a group outing post work unless you are ill or out of the office - you MUST go. It can be a great thing for your career. Though keep in mind, these are coworkers, not your best friends. Keep it appropriate.
- Last, whatever you do, don't cut anyone off in the parking lot. Not cool.
To review: keep it PC, be conscientious to your coworkers, and for the love of all things holy, DON'T whistle.