So. It's January. I caught that too. Hrm. Sorry about that. I got a little busy living my life, rather than writing about how to make things easier/better/prettier/whatever. My writing team now includes two little boys named Mocha and Lewis... Who happen to be a dachshund and a tiger stripped teenage kitty, respectively. Oh yes. And a Viking.
From a life of a single, mildly care free (I can pretend), pet free gal to a pet crazed, official girlfriend of a live in Viking can get pretty hectic (though I really can't imagine how moms with like 87 kids do it), I'm having a ball.
So, yeah, it's been a while. In the honeymoon haze of my life for the past months, I feel like I've lost touch with some of my very best friends. Some is probably a natural growing apart, as life takes us in unexpected or at least different directions. Kids, pets, new jobs, boyfriends, girlfriends, moving, husbands, wives, life changes - it happens. For me, it is really important to continue these friendships as much as possible. Whether I haven't seen you in 5 years or 5 days, I am always happy to chat with an old friend. So, with a grand gesture - here is my old friend and yours, "the handy tips".
- Send a card! Mailing anything is so rare these days that it's a pretty special occasion when you get something in the mail. Even if it's a little note saying "I miss you."
- Visit them at work. If your friend works in an environment where visitors are okay, stop in! Just make sure to not stay too long, incase they have a tough boss.
- The phone works both ways. Instead of waiting on your friend to call you, call them. Or even send a text message if that's easier.
- Visit!! Some of my very best friends live thousands of miles away. I'm always happy to hop on a plane and go for a long weekend. Even if it's just to the other side of the state, a weekend together will always be fun and appreciated.
- Most importantly, make plans and keep them!!! Rather than saying let's get together and never seeing each other, pull up your calendar and see what works.
These seem obvious, right? Reconnecting with old friends... The hardest part is the first step. It's always a little weird at first, but I promise, they'll be happy you did. And so will you. Now... Who wants a weekend visitor???